Exterior house painting trends you’ll love for your home
There’s an amazing range of colors trending this year you’re sure to fall in love with. We’ve collected the best design trends to help you update your home’s exterior.
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Domestic worker.
Please email me any further questions you might have. I would prefer for the cleaning to be done from 9 to 5 depending on the day we decide on and how much work will need to be done. I would like for a proper deep cleaning to be done.
I need someone who can connect kwikot solar geyser
Please supply me with a quotation for: 1. Replacement of two sink taps (taps have already been purchased) 2. Two taps in the kitchen that need servicing. Please supply two separate quotes for number 1 and 2 above.
How much can you charge us per square metre for cleaning a pre-occupied house. Double story house.
I just need normal tidying up type of cleaning on a weekly basis. I live in a two bedroom townhouse.