For general house use
It's a small unit one bedroom not much wanting to work but WiFi, alarm, and fridge do you do small scale no mounting solar system.
4 solar panels to run my 5.0 kva inverter
Two quotes. One : installation only, assuming I have all the required equipment. 6 x panels Wired into 5kv inverter. Two: 6 x w solar panels with required wiring, connections and protection. Wired into 5kv inverter.
I want to use for charging,lightning my house.
For domestic use, for the entire household
I have a 5kw Inverter and 5kw battery (48v) installed I would like quotation for solar panels installed
This is the information in order to determine the system that would suit me and other relevant information that I would require 1. I use an average of 33KWh/day 2. The Fridge, Stove, Geyser, Microwave and Clothing Iron must be excluded, and will continue on municipal power 3. I would like 2 options - Rent, or outright purchase. 4. Guarantee and warrantees included 5. Advise service intervals, cost there-of, and maintenance contract if available. 6. Installation period, lead time, and payment terms.