About: At BushBuck Ridge Game Farm, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible catering services. We offer a variety of catering services, including spit braai catering, wedding catering, party catering, corporate catering, and funeral catering. We are located in Port Elizabeth, South Africa and pride ourselves on our ability to provide our clients with the highest quality services possible.
braai Beef chicken Beef or Muttom Sausages lamp pap rolls 4 salads
Spitbraai, salad and patato,
Year end function. Salads, rolls etc required. Please include drinks.
Spit braai with lamb ,small potato's ,onions and cocktails sausages.Small buns and salads. Cuterly to be supplied .Please supply quote.
Good day This is for a wedding that is set in the early afternoon, we're looking to serve at 5h00, something light, preferably a buffet consisting of salads, and 3 different types of meat. Please send me a quote ASAP Thank you