Need s CoC for installation for an inverter - back up - system only.
We need an electrian's cert. of compliance as we are selling our house. 2.5 bedroom house with electric geyser and solar heating of water. Gas/electric stove. All in working order.
COC's for plumbing and electrical, prior to selling property.
Moved geyser, exterior, connected to same isolator,
Replacement of ceiling lights
Previous rental people vandalise the property. Need sertificate before we can sell property.
I'm busy with a home building so in the next 3 months i want to do the electrical work its a 5 room 2 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms a kitchen and a lounge. It has 2 patios and extra 3 outside lights will also be looking into adding the stove and aircon as time progresses.
Need isolators installed for 2 x BTU, Midea HVAC systems (10 amp max draw) at 14 Royal Wharf, Spray Avenue
Experiencing trips after heavy rains
We need a COC for Solar installation.