How to save time and money with funeral catering
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I need platters to cater for people. Please send me your menus on Whatsapp
I am looking for a quote on 2 and 3-course dinner meals. Please feel free to forward it on Whatsapp.
Good day, please supply me with a quote for 70 people. Hope to hear from you soon
We want a simple “late lunch early dinner” menu + quote. As well as a tapas quote for the canapés.
Good morning I am looking for a catering company that can cater for 20 business associates, we are hosting an event. Please feel free to contact me for more info.
50 guests are a mix of adults and kids Would it be lamb only?...or Do you do chicken skewers as well on the spit? Does it also come with roasted veg i.e potatoes etc Please text me all the details