Bought a house will receive keys this month maybe next week, need to renovate the house
Fix leak as well as any needed maintenance
45metre square lapa transparent fallon roof sheets price as well as installation quote. Installing between 2 buildings.
I have 40 meters square thatch roof.
We recently waterproofed our balcony using the torch on method and are looking to treat the surface for a finished look. Based in Brakpan. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Seven roomed house.
Plans have ben approved by council. Front Perimeter wall (segmented by "hip high" columns with a 20mm/maybe more brick upstand linking them - wooden slats - picket fence-esk style). This wall will run to the driveway gate Driveway will run the length of the house to the double garage (this will not be shown on the plans but I thought it was worth mentioning) Double Garage (dimensions of 6mx7m length) in the South East corner situated behind the main bedroom's en-suite - Flat roof, same design as the house - it will need to match the same slope etc. Rear perimeter wall (block is indicated on the plans but vibracrete will most likely be used) connecting the garage to our neighbours vibracrete wall Side perimeter wall on neighbour's boundary line (made of block - "hip high" as well approx 1m) running from the garage down the driveway to driveway gate (building line) Deck - If a separate quote could be provided on the building of a staircase leading to the deck as indicated by the plans Driveway - needs to be leveled and paved, separate quote on this can be provided as well Preferable start would be late April, early May