Current door does not stay on rail, may not need replacing only fixing. Unsure. Am curious about the cost of fixing & automating (if possible) compared to replacing and automating. At this stage I am just doing preliminary investigations for curiosity. I can only email in relation to this. The current door sometimes comes off the rails and is a roll up door. There is clear damage to the rails and I think that may be why it comes off. It also screeches something awful as it is opened and closed. We do not have keys to the current door, so all else failing, I will just have a locksmith replace the lock & then Q20 the heck out of it. I am renting, so I am looking at information I can provide to the owner so that we can discuss sharing the costs here. I can send a few photos of the existing door if needed, just let me know where the camera should be aimed. The complex requires all garage doors be white on the outside. I would like to see what the additional cost of motorising a garage door would be. I am based in Durban, Pinetown, New Germany, The Wolds.
hi Please can you send me pricing on these: 2 x x white aluminium windows, 2 opening windows clear glass 2 x x white aluminium windows, 2 opening windows opaque glass (for bathrooms) and 2 x x white aluminium sliding windows, clear glass 2 x x white aluminium sliding windows, opaque glass (for bathrooms)
Lecturer Halls Wall Carpet Removal Fixing of damp walls with damp block Repainting walls (Color Spec to be provided) Repainting Ceilings Electrical allowance to fix up any loose cabling and providing trunking where necessary Installing electrical conduits for indoor air con units where applicable Servicing of doors We are looking at refurbishing about 13 Lecturer Halls internally in total Separate project Removal of old and worn deteriorated ceiling boards X 4 venues (Science Labs) Suspended Ceiling installation for approximately X4 venues (Science Labs) about a sqm each
Good Day, could you possibly give me a rough estimate on pricing for a 6-strand electric fence. Wall perimeter is +-m including 2 gates (1x sliding & 1x double swing gate). The walls are stepped brick walls as well as pre-cast slab walls. I also want to divide the uprights into straight ones between neighbours & kinked ones leaning out on the street boundary (50/50 split). The trees will be trimmed/cut back to allow installation. This is just to get a rough idea before I waste your and my time. Thank you in advance. Regards
I require the services of an effective conveyancer, who can obtain a new original title deed for RDP property in Mamelodi, re-establish a sensible Sales Agreement that honestly re-creates what was contained in the original sales agreement, obtain clearance certificates from city council, and effect transfer of ownership. I can provide more details upon request.
We are looking for someone reliable who knows how to effectively remove mould from the ceilings and the walls in a very small home in Bellville where the ceilings and the walls are made of drywall. Bathroom = 2.4m x 2.4m Bed = 3.4m x 2.95m Lounge/kitchen = 5.9m x 2.92m Floor to ceiling height = 2.3m If it is not something you have done before or can do we would prefer you be honest and say so as we don't have money to waste and the proper cleaning supplies must be used! Please let me know ASAP and include pricing etc Thank you in advance
I need plan of my old house to be through and also the new extensions I want to add to my house told me Cape Town told me they can’t found my old plan on the system right it needs to be thrown again that I can’t found my house so I I must throw the plane of the resistant house over a guy What is your old house I couldn’t get hold of my plane
Need to re wire 2 bedrooms, Launch, kitchen & Bathroom with 2 outside rooms, Bathroom & Garage. The house was an one room RDP house & it eas extended in . Ever since it was extended, electricity appliences,TV, four & Two plates stoves, fridge lights are getting damaged..In the Plasma TV & Dstv decoder where strucl by lighting & our is the only house that was struck by lighting that day. Our phone chargers & laptop chargers dont last. We are constantly repairing our electrical appliences because they aleays get burned.
We are in the process of organizing a corporate event and would like to invite your company to provide catering and refreshments. Your reputation for quality service makes you a strong candidate for this event. Below are the specific catering requirements: Catering and Refreshments: 1. Meals for Attendees: o x Beef and Chicken Burgers with Chips and a Drink. 2. VIP Area: o Plated Meals including: 2 Starch options. 2 Salad options. 2 Vegetable options. Grilled Chicken. Beef Stew. Beverages (juice, soft drinks). 3. All-Morning Tea and Coffee Station: o Tea: Five Roses, Rooibos, etc. o Coffee: Nescafe, Ricoffy, etc. o Condiments: Milk, Sugar, Creamer, Sweetener, Honey, etc. 4. Water Supply: o For the Conference Area: x Still Water (to be placed on tables). o For the VIP Area: 70 x Still Water and 30 x Sparkling Water (to be placed on tables). We kindly request the following: 1. A detailed quotation for the above services, including menu options, pricing, and any additional services you can offer. 2. A copy of your catering certificate to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.
Shower,toilt and basin replacement.Levwlimg of uneven floor in bathroom ( shower is separate from the rest of the bathroom by a step and needs to be leveled with the rest of the floor which may affect draining).Toilet to be replaced with a modern toilet with a flush plate.Currwnr roilet is standalone with flush handle and new roilet flush handle to be inserted in the wall.Basin replacement is standard.