About: Atlas Electronics is a security company that has been operating in Johannesburg, South Africa for over 10 years. We provide security systems and services to businesses and homes in the area, as well as supply and install fencing, garage doors, and gates. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible service and products available.
W x H Single door x1 W x H Double door X1 Installation to be done around 31 March if we agree on a quote, please email or WhatsApp me if you can't get hold of me on my cell
width: 5.3 m, height: 2.1
Length mm X mm
Please provide price for 8 wire fence on top of 1,8m high existing fence
Please provide best quotes for 4. x 2.1m double garage door, aluzinc + aliminium, show breakdown for door, motor & installation. He would like you to email me the quote .
House on a farm 10 km outside Bela Bela. We need an electric fence around the house, currently I have no fence around the yard yet, I am not sure which fence to go for, however I need electric fence as well