Please email me. I will be able to reply immediately, I am not able to take calls. I am looking to install a small fence on top of a wall, it needs to be tall enough to stop a dog from jumping over it or being able to escape. I am not too sure about the length of then fence I would need someone to come take proper measurements.
I currently have 2 separate doors outomated with one centered Gemini motor. The current roll-up steel doors are old and grinding it out every time we open it. The doors either have to be replaced with 2 new doors, or have to be replaced with one solid door with a new motor. The current motor is however fine. I need advice and a quote to take an informed decision to make a change-over. Uncertain ito steel or alluminium and price/quality difference. Please contact me.
Item Description 1 Palisade Fencing - .4 linear meters (49.6m x 31.6m x 49.6m x 31.6m) Acquisition of the materials and items - 2 Meters 60 x 60mm x 2 – 2.5mm steel angle iron with 2.5mm width. - 2.5 Meters 76 x 76 x 1.6mm square poles tubes with 2.5mm width. - 60 x 60 x 2 – 2.5mm top and bottom crossing steel angles. - Security padlock for the gate - Welding or casting of the locking mechanisms at the gate. 2.2 Height of the fence - The height of the fence must be two (2) Meters from the ground - Length of the poles must be 2.5 Meters - mm of the 76 x 76 x 1.6mm poles must be dig or excavated into the ground with concrete. - Poles must be 2 meters away from each other. 2.3 Spacing of the poles and angles. - Spacing in between the 60mm angles must be approximately mm. - The 60 x 60 x 2 – 2.5 mm angle iron must have industrial spike on top. - 70mm poles must be covered and closed with the palisade cap. 2.4 Sliding Gate of the palisade fencing - Size of the gate must be 3 Meters wide and slide. - The gate must be fitted with the 60 mm angle iron track. - The sliding track must be fitted with the stop at the end. - The sliding angle iron must have an allowance of 3.5 meters on one side to enable full slide of the gate. - Gate must be installed to enable sliding. - Must have sliding wheels. - Mechanism to lock and protected lock. - Provide security padlock with three (03) keys. 2.5 Painting of the fence - First coat : Prime coat (black or red) - Second coat: Enamel Paint Blue 2.6 Locking mechanisms - Make a mechanism to enable the fitting of padlock - Provide a security padlock 2.7 Crossing angle iron - Slotted channel must be used for the crosses. - Crossing slotted angle iron must be 60 X 60 x 2- 2.5mm - Crossing angle iron must be welded firmly. 1.8 Size and the construction of the palisade fencing Size of the palisade fencing shall be 49.6m x 31.6m x 49.6m x 31.6m and will be constructed around the prefab building.
The boundary measures 49, excluding the two 1m gates. We will opt for the 3mm wire, 1.8m high fence. 75x50 aperture. Dipped black color. Please can you quote on both the prefabricated fence posts and the standard square tubing with clips. We will need 18x 3m panels 23x posts 2x gates (1m width X 1.8m height) At this point we will likely do self installation, however you are welcome to quote on install if you would like to.
Please respond as soon as possible, we need the material today. 9 Post Sec 2,4mtrxx1,6mm with overhang 18 Stay incline 2,4mtrx48mmx1,6mm econo 1 Steelwire round 5kgx2,24mmxmm 2 Barbeb wire carrypack s/strand 1 Wire binding galv 2,5mmx5kg 30 Post Sec 2,4mtrx48mmx1,6mm with overhang 4 Diamond mesh 1,8mtrx50mmx2mm (30mtr long per roll)
I am enquiring on behalf of the Body Corporate for a pool fence for the estate. We need a quote for the annual budget meetings. Indeed a Dutch number so please contact only via whatsapp. Would either be 'self install by staff' or full installation. Please quote both. Also: 1 = around infinity pool, length needed = 75 meters. Height? not sure, normal, not high. With an entrance gate, manual. Second: possibly if it will be repaired an additional pool, 90 meters, needs 2 gates. also manual. Kindly also quote price ex and incl installation. We need to present it to the Body Corporate as such. Thank you in advance, Chantal Settels, on behalf of the finance trustee of the Body Corporate of , Phalaborwa. Attached a picture of the situation.
Normal front door needs replacement (I am not too concerned about looks, so am open to suggestions as to what type) - currently wood but this is the 2nd door in the last 15 years so need some advice. Current door is damaged/rotting. Will require installation as well. Location : Rooihuiskraal North, Centurion
2x1 m I want to cover my electric box. There are people pulling out the electric cables and the municipal boxes need to be protected. I have banded together with my community to protect ourselves and there are going to be quite a few streets with electric boxes that need to be covered with fencing. Please take this into consideration when formulating your quote.
We are the school with no sufficient funds and would like to ask for fence donation. Our school was burgled more than 5 times and 75 laptops, 2 colour photocopiers 75 learners tablets were stolen by the criminals. They even cut and steal electricity cables of our school. It happened several times. Our Safety and Security is not intact. We are a no fee school since mist parents ate unemployed. Most of our learners are orphans. Our teaching and learning of the community children is compromised. We may appreciate of you can extend a helping hand to our needy educational institution. That is our wish. Thank you hooe you will be able to assist.
The job will require customization with clearview panels or similar with a doubling up of panels on top of each other to achieve the required height. Deck under house to be closed up like a cage. The height is 3.3m all around, Approximate sizes: two gaps to be filled/ covered: 3.5m w x 3.3m h each (planting post will be a challenge so frame mount suggested) one 5.5m w x 3.3m h one 2.5m w x 3.3m h where I will also need a big door size/like gate of preferably 1.2m w) If not achievable by clearview panels galvanized storm fence also welcomed. Please see attached pictures of space