How to tackle window repair?
Struggling with broken windows? Get expert advice on repairing wooden, aluminium, steel, & uPVC windows. Learn about common causes, DIY fixes, & when to call a fundi to save on energy & boost security.
bronze, for further information please refer to the attachments - 10 & 2 doors
Eight windows, normal.
normal windows
we need to glaze our balcony, normal dimensions. will provide with the pictures if needed.
The windows and sliding doors are for the ground floor only in the attached plan
wooden frame x
size x double glazed please quote on uPVC please quote on removal and installation seperatly
Industrial Pivot Supply, Unglazed.
1 by 5m folding door, 2.5m by 2.3m windows ×3 shoplike, 2 normal aluminium sliding door n 1m by 2.3m windows ×2 shoplike with an opening. All above 4mm shutter glass.