New house, 4 bedroom, 3 Bathroom, 3 entertainment areas. Need deco assistance
Full renovation and interior design and decor Two-storey House - 4 bedrooms, 3 lounges, dining room, kitchen, 4 bathrooms and guest suite
I recently moved into a studio apartment and live with my partner. Would love to effectively utilise the space without feeling like it’s too small.
Redesign of existing Italian restaurant
4 Bedroom, double garage, dining room, lounge, kitchen, entertainment area
Uplift the house and extend the kitchen
1. New Addition by extension- a bathroom. 2. Extend the existing bathroom. 3. create a passage from the main house to outside cottage.
Looking for interior designer to assist with formal lounge, dining room and main bedroom
4-5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, living and dining area, entertainment area
We would like to modernise the house creating an open plan space.