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Recent requests

Non-profit (School, Religous, Sport etc.)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Pietermaritzburg
  • Number of employees: 6–20
  • Services required: Bookkeeping, Tax services

I am looking for a company that can help me manage tax matters for an NPO. 5 staff has been with us for 5 years. Still with us. 6 staff are given work experience and earn a stipend. They leave fter 6 months and we get new ones. And myself. I work from home. I need urgent help with the 6 who finished work end of June to get Uif forms. Am not even sure whether am up to date with payment

Business (Pty, CC, Ltd, Sole Prop, Inc,...)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Benoni
  • Number of employees: 2–5
  • Type of business: Private company (Pty)
  • What sector are you employing in?: Other
  • Services required: Bookkeeping, Tax services, Payroll, Financial statements

We are still starting so we need an account to make all necessary accounts and means for the business to run smoothly We need someone to help us with tax because we don't know anything and would like everything to be in order and we just get introduced to the system with money allocated in everything. Our people get paid monthly and we just get an auditor dmfrom time to time

Individual (Tax returns)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Cape Town
  • Total annual personal income: Less than R500.000

Hi I would like to acquire a tax consultant to help me with the following: 1. I have been out of South Africa for 5 years now. 2. I appear to still have outstanding Tax audits 3. I need someone to assist with my personal Tax filings 4. I require a Tex person to assist with challenging tax Penalties accrued over the 5 years 5. Complete tax submission.

Individual (Tax returns)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Durban
  • Total annual personal income: R500.000 - R1.500.000
  • Which of these apply to you?: Medical Aid, Rental income

I get a salary from Transnet. Which means my income tax for my salary is always up to date. Dùt i get additional income from rentals/cbd flats. I always work out the profits/ 1l loss for each. The bookkeeper that use to capture for me passed away in Feb . Mg Secretarial. I.o.w to add the rentals to my Salary with Sars for the previous financial year and provisional tax end August/ Feb

Business (Pty, CC, Ltd, Sole Prop, Inc,...)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: City West, Johannesburg
  • Number of employees: More than 20
  • Type of business: Other
  • What sector are you employing in?: Science & engineering
  • Services required: Bookkeeping, Tax services, Financial statements

We have 24 employees with a R50 million revenue. We have three finance administrators - accounts, debtors and creditors. We use Beraca auditors who also give us financial and tax advice. We need a part time accountant who works between 10 and 16 hours a week. We use Palladium. We have someone doing payroll.

Business (Pty, CC, Ltd, Sole Prop, Inc,...)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Midrand
  • Number of employees: 2–5
  • Type of business: Private company (Pty)
  • What sector are you employing in?: Other
  • Services required: Tax services

Hello There I would like to ask how much do you charge for income tax and tax returns and do you submit to Sars or i do it individually. I put my business on other because what I do is offer baking and cooking blessons as an extra murals to 3 schools and only have 2 employees. Warm.Regards Thokozani

Business (Pty, CC, Ltd, Sole Prop, Inc,...)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Johannesburg
  • Number of employees: 1 or none
  • Type of business: Close corporation (CC)
  • What sector are you employing in?: Other
  • Services required: Tax services

I have a company, cc (Doveprop), that I use as an investment vehicle. Doveprop is owned by my wife, 2 children and me. The bulk of Doveprop's investments are with SATRIX MSCI World ETF (STXWDMJ) and SATRIX have advised me that to comply with the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) regulations I must complete a W-8BEN-E document for Doveprop of they will be obliged to freeze the account I need a financial adviser to assist me, maybe telephonically, with completing the form Can you please assist? I don’t want to get it wrong because my investment company, Doveprop could end up being taxed in both the USA and South Africa

Individual (Tax returns)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Kuruman
  • Total annual personal income: Less than R500.000
  • Which of these apply to you?: Pension / Provident fund

Hi, I tried to do my tax returns on efiling but the problem is my previous employer didn't declare my provident fund money, so SARS ended up issuing a tax directive. I contacted my employer and they send me the tax directive IRP5 certificate without updating on my profile. Is it possible if you can assist?

Individual (Tax returns)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Pretoria
  • Total annual personal income: R500.000 - R1.500.000
  • Which of these apply to you?: Pension / Provident fund, Medical Aid, Housing allowance, Rental income

I submitted tax return for rental income and sars audited me i submitted the documents after that they only calculated income of the rental for only 2 months or so . In the year the tanent did not pay rent for 4 months which was bad debt and the other 3 months the property was vacant . I need assistance in this from a tax pratitioner . I submitted a dispute which is pending review .

Individual (Tax returns)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Cape Town
  • Total annual personal income: R500.000 - R1.500.000
  • Which of these apply to you?: Retirement Annuity (RA), Medical Aid

- Retrenched Mid April and unemployed until Feb Did some international freelance, which I haven't yet paid tax on. I need clarity on receiving money to live on from my sister in US - no other source of income. tax year - Now employed as a contractor by an international company since end June - Need help to sign up for provisional tax and all that goes with it.