Help with tax returns and tax clearance certification, COIDA and VAT registration
CIPC Certificate
Completing income tax return with travel allowance
I haven't been working since & as such have not submitted any SARS documents- apparently I have got penalties & need assistance to submit asap - can you please assist me regarding this matter? It would be much appreciated. Thank you
My payments and statements are all mixed up, I need an accountant to help me sort out my books. I run a small construction company and need help with the financial/business aspect.
Morning, The services we will be requiring is bookkeeping and tax. As we are residents in both UK and SA, and travel between the two counties for business, I am finding it a bit challenging, doing the 'paperwork' for when I am out of country. We will be returning to SA shortly and would at this time make appointments with accounting companies to see which best suits our requirements. Many thanks Megan Byrne
All documents to SARS and CIPC has already been submitted and approved. This is for last year's tax season. The statement was not audited but drawn up by ourselves. XL spreadsheet, bank statements are available. SARS accepted this. We just need an audited financial statement for a potential business deal please. It's a micro business in video production.
To maintain our NPO status we are required to deliver full Annual Financial Statements to the Department of Social Development by November every year. We are able to deliver full information including spreadsheets of all expenditure balancing to bank statements; petty cash; annual summaries of all our accounts which include fixed term investments as well as current accounts and saving. We also require our relationship with SARS to be maintained with letters of good standing/tax clearances etc being provided as needed. Initially we need confirmation of which office bearers are on record at SARS ... Thank you!
I require an accounting service to assist me with my tax returns.