church plan
I wish to know into details about architecture design especially floor plans
No specification at the moment we busy with consultations
Stand location: Oxford Road, Woodgrange, Hibberdene. Building Brief: Single Story 3 Bedrooms Master Bedroom - Ensuite & Walk-in Closet 1st and 2nd Bedrooms (Non Ensuite) - They must be close to each other (Share a Bathroom) 1 - Off Shared Bathroom (Bathroom to have both shower and Bathing tub) Visitor's Toilet Kitchen Dining room Living Room Double Garage Laundry Room Covered Patio Tuscan Style roofing
We would like to build a 4 bedroomed, double storey house, X2 Garages, x2 Bathrooms, X1 large living space. House to be build in rural area, in Sterkspruit, +/- kms from Bloemfontein. However, there's no building plans except just a piece of land to build on. All I need is an idea of how much such a property could cost, building plans, landscaping and construction. Would also appreciate your advice and guidance.
Current structure is a 3 bedroom house with an out building total area is approx sq.meters site area is aprox sq meters. I want a single storey 4 bedroom house (main one with a walk in closet,) garage for 4-6 cars, entrainment area with bar and swimming pool, open plan . Attached are rough ideas of what I have in mind (I'm open to other ideas of course.
Hallo. Ek wil graag idees he hoe om my seun se woonstel atmosfeer te gee. Hy het in n woonstel ingetrek sien fotos aangeheg. Kussings, iets teen mure, bedlampies, kuns plante, lamp, ornament en dalk n mat. Kleurskema by fotos. Hy wil nog n tv cabinet kry om die inverter en batterye in te sit. Kan u asb eers vir my n kwotasie gee wat dit sal kos om vir my die raad te gee. Groete
We require an update to a previously approved plan (attached m). The plans are no longer to our taste and the extensions are larger than we currently require. The intention is to more effectively create useful spaces on a smaller footprint and creating a better integration with the limited yard space and to reduce the amount of space available for parking.