I want a retail petrol station with smart parking, car wash with debonairs, steers, fishaways, Woolworth, kwikspar and wimpy. It will be surrounded by ATM's and small parking for customers. Already submitted request to municipality - require design
Currently only 4 rooms within the house. Convert to double storey and Add 3 bedrooms on upper floor, 2 bedrooms on ground floor, lounge, dining, kitchen, etc.
Divide property which is currently 2. hector with an existing house. I need to divide the property in order to sell half.
Flats for University students accommodation
Extend kitchen and lounge
To help with ideas on which furniture to buy for 2 bedroom, bathroom renovations, decorating the lounge and kitchen. Spare bedroom - paint colours, sleigh bed , tile colours and wardrobe colours Main Bedroom - paint colours, sleigh bed , tile colours and wardrobe colours Bathroom - Tile colours Kitchen - Kitchen unit colours and tiles Lounge - Sofa colour, paint colours
Granny flat is currently 55sqm and needs a few ad on's - 2 carports, 1 pool and a double storey extension on garage, entrance porch, front wall. Convert 3 bedrooms in to 2 bedroom with an en-suite. Existing roof needs to be added to the plan
Existing house is one floor and is 18 by 6 meters. I want to turn it into 6 apartments on 2 storeys Phoenix Milnerton
Convert existing house into a double store - ground floor has 3 bedrooms and want to convert 1 bedroom into a study and another into garage. Need 2 bedrooms on new top storey. dining room to be at the bottom and sitting room on the top floor. Extend garage into double garage. Also want a walk-in closet. 1 bedroom with en-suite shower
Modern double story mansion with underground parking 4 bedrooms, 3 bathroom, en-suite bathroom in main bedroom. Require guest bathroom, dining area and lounge, kitchen, entertainment area, pool