6 quotes for Funeral service from local Pros

Client reviews

Nina J., Pretoria

Thanks to Procompare, we found a funeral service that offered exceptional communication throughout the entire process. Their timely responses and clear explanations helped us navigate the planning with much-needed ease during such a difficult time.

Daniel B., Nelspruit

The convenience of using Procompare to find a funeral service cannot be overstated. The platform quickly provided us with several high-quality options. The service we selected was incredibly professional, handling all aspects of the funeral with dignity and care, which truly helped us during our time of grief.

Jane P., Pretoria

Procompare was instrumental in finding us a funeral service that excelled in providing personalized attention. The funeral home we chose took the time to understand our family’s unique needs and preferences, which was deeply comforting and appreciated.

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Frequently asked questions

Recent jobs for Funeral service

Cremation services

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Port Elizabeth
  • What would you like the service to include?: Other

Hi there, this is just a query as I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst outcome if my mother's operation isn't a success. I'm wanting to know what a direct cremation would cost with no funeral or any family members or service, just the cremation? I / my mother doesn't have a funeral cover/policy in place. Also can I choose / buy my own urn for her? How long does the process take? Thank you.