6 quotes for Cremation service from local Pros

Client reviews

Helen V., Johannesburg

Thanks to Procompare, we connected with a cremation service that provided exceptional support and guidance. I'm very grateful to Procompare and can recommend it without a question.

Sylvia G., Bloemfontein

Procompare was a great resource in our search for a cremation service. The provider we chose was incredibly sensitive and respectful, ensuring the process was handled with the utmost dignity, which was very important to us.

John R., Polokwane

Finding a reliable cremation service through Procompare was a relief. A few parlours reached out within hours. The chosen company offered transparent pricing, which really helped us manage our budget during this difficult time without any unexpected costs.

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Frequently asked questions

Recent jobs for Cremation service

Cremation services

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Port Elizabeth
  • What would you like the service to include?: Other

Hi there, this is just a query as I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst outcome if my mother's operation isn't a success. I'm wanting to know what a direct cremation would cost with no funeral or any family members or service, just the cremation? I / my mother doesn't have a funeral cover/policy in place. Also can I choose / buy my own urn for her? How long does the process take? Thank you.