I have to admit that Procompare was a positive surprise! I didn’t expect to receive such good offers from electricians, and within 1 day of sending my request. I chose Mr Jacobs because he could start with the works immediately. He was professional, nice and he finished the work quickly. Thank you!
Very happy! On Friday, I sent my request for an electrician to replace our fuse box, got three offers the same day and on Monday, the electrician already replaced it. This is a great service, I’ll definitely use it again!
I usually don’t leave reviews but Procompare really came through on its promises. Several electricians called me within one day and the one I chose was professional, friendly, punctual, and he gave me a good offer.
A periodic inspection is an inspection and associated testing to check whether an electrical installation is in a satisfactory condition for continued service. It is recommended to be carried out every 10 years for home-owners and more frequently for businesses.
There are no set times on when you need to rewire your property. Just because wiring is old, does not mean you need a new one. We would advise you to do a periodic inspection every 10 years and the test will certify whether the electrics in a property are safe and tell you if anything needs upgrading.
Every ECA (Electrical COntractors Association) member is a registered electrician. If he is not a member of the ECA, it is best to ask to see his/her registration certificate from the Department of Labour.
I am Patrick from anton lembede Street Have an urgent need for a qualified electrician To investigate electrical problem.
I need an electrician to help install some appliances and also provide certificate to compliance in the Village of Ntshuxi near Nkuna Kraal
We need a preliminary box COC to open our Eskom Account & we need the final COC for the house to hand over to the inspector. This is very urgent as our electrician has dropped us & is not taking our calls.
New house. Cellar, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage, stoep,pajama lounge, 2 staircases, large living area, open plan design, plans are available on request for potential electrician only. Project in an estate (Five Oaks Country Estate) 2 solar geysers, about 30 double plugs, about 30 lightpoints (inside and outside), possibly 3 aircons, db board, switchover switch to connect to generator or eskom power, about 80m supply cable from solar panels to the db board. Coc certificate. Must start on 25th April .
Looking for a reliable and trustworthy electrician.
I'm an electrician so I need to do COC
house rewired for renovation and require electrician to complete wiring for garage, entertainment area, outside lights and main bedroom. 70% of the house wired and working. I am available during working hours until 5pm.
I am planning a renovation: I would like to restructure kitchen, entertainment area, add a shower and remodel toilet, also to replace bath, painting required. I would then need an electrician to also change and remove electric plugs.
This enquiry relates to a single story 3 bedroom house that is nearing the end of renovation and probably be put up for sale in two or three months. As far as I know , a registered electrician has worked on tbe house recently but don't know what was done. However I know that another one has to inspect and advise on any repairs required. I think the house is approx 50yrs old
I need electrician to install a backup power system on a house. All components: batteries, inverters, wires, connectors ect will be supplied. The batteries and inverters will be installed in the garage of the house, power will run from the main db board to the inverter to charge the batteries, then back out from the batteries to the inverter to the db board into the house.