6 quotes for Swimming pool cleaning from local Pros

Client reviews

Greg L., Johannesburg

Procompare helped us find an amazing swimming pool cleaning service. We received several quotes and chose the best one. Our pool is always crystal clear, and the service is reliable and professional. Highly recommend!

Daria P., Cape Town

Thanks to Procompare, we found a fantastic pool cleaning service. We got multiple quotes and picked a company that does a thorough job every time. Our pool has never looked better. Excellent service!

Philip U., Durban

Using Procompare to find a pool cleaning service was a great decision. We reviewed several quotes and selected a top-notch provider. The cleaning team is efficient and friendly, and our pool is spotless. Couldn't be happier!

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Frequently asked questions

Recent jobs for Swimming pool cleaning

Swimming pool installation

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Pietermaritzburg
  • Type of swimming pool: Fiberglass pool
  • Do you want any extra features?: Lighting, Water features
  • Type of property: Residential complex
  • When do you need the swimming pool?: As soon as possible

Swimming pool installation

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Benoni
  • Type of swimming pool: Fiberglass pool
  • Do you want any extra features?: Cover, Heating, Lighting
  • Type of property: Residential
  • When do you need the swimming pool?: I'm flexible

I would like a 4m x 6m pool with heating. Pool cover needed.