Steam cleaning was an excellent choice for cleaning our floor. We loved the company's efficiency and kindness!
The cleaning company did some of the cleaning with a steam cleaner. Our rugs and sofa look as new. Thank you, Procompare.
The cleaning company that we found on Procompare did the job exceptionally well. They used a steam cleaner in our kitchen and living room. We loved their service.
No. Once you meet with your selected cleaning company and specify what you want them to do, you can simply entrust them with the keys and they will do all the work while you are absent. If you wish to be present, however, no cleaning company will object to that.
Before hiring a cleaning company, it is advisable to look for their references and recommendations.
We recommend you pick up your stuff before cleaning company arrives as some won’t even do the picking up and others will charge you for the simple task that you can do best. You should also turn off your alarm system and have any special valuables put away.
Steam cleaning of lounge suite and upholstered furniture and steam cleaning mattresses, cleaning the entire apartment: rooms kitchen, bathrooms, lounge, dining rooms, floors are Keegan pine no carpets. Remove all dust and clean windows and ceilings of dust after kitchen renovation. The place has been newly renovated and there is dust everywhere. The kitchen cupboards and appliances are brand new and need to cleaned quite well and rid of dust. The floors are also brand new and need to be given special care - we are not looking to have any scratches made to floors. Please lift up furniture and not drag.
We are moving into a new home and I am looking for the rates to have a consistent cleaner come in to clean the home weekly.
Windows, tiles and walls in the house to be cleaned
House cleaning including windows
For a 3 bedroom house, sqm is estimated. I would like to be contacted via email.
Just want to hear what it will cost - have got a domestic worker currently (BUT JUST CURIOUS). If you can give me a quote, please. But besides that, I am planning to change her.
Mowing of lawn only