My name is Nomcebo. We have just opened an Academy the name is . We would like a website that is simple with content on our subjects and how to enrol and a contact platform/query platform. Please advise what the cost involved will be so that we can proceed
wish to add my bank account on that website when people want to pay me they will just send me money on my website Mental Charity Care Home, Prices, Contact us you can contact me at any time
NGO that support land related rights, we want to show case our events, profiles of the staff & contact details
We have started a project of chicken farming and vegetable farming. We would like to attract more customers. We would like a website where people can view our offers and products we sell and a query platform whereby they can find out how to join or invest in the business. And lastly, a contact page.
We need to have our application form on the website . I want an introduction of the school, I want to upload forms of the schools if they want to register ,gallery of the school. contact data of the school as well.I want google maps attached on the site as well. Person for them to speak to malvin moyo. Please call me after 13:30pm today.
logo design Bizhelp(company name) - I need a logo to be designed for that . tag line- helping to grow your business . I want a sub tab that will give you the services we offer , experience we have under each service .Also want to have people to get a form to fill that out . Contact data of the company and a gallery.
Pages must have Home,About us, Contact us, Services, Terms of policies, Blog, landing page, Gallery its an online business. you can contact me at any time
Contact person :Mohau Mokgatla Selling petroleum products, Pages home, Contact us, gallery, products , a page where clients can place an order
ANC - archive website .. ..I want to have ..Gallery ,videos , documentaries of the the ANC.
New company -We are a nursing agency ( we supply nurses to hospitals) Introduction of company ..Gallery of the work we have been doing , contact data of the company , company profile. I would like to have the forms attached to the website and people should be able to fill out the forms online. Below are the attachments of what I more or less envision the website to look like. mbali-person to speak to .