Two flats in building of ten require rewiring as there is sparking, tripping and no power.
JOB LIST: Electrical: Main Distribution Board: → Put geyser on earth leakage. → Underrated jumpers to be amended. → Cover to be earthed. → Install fed from label. → Install danger label. Bedroom: → Secure loose plug. Patio: → Replace broken round outside light fitting. Geyser: → Label isolator. → Issue certificate.
Require a compliance certificate for sale of my property.
outside walls of boundary.
One wall in my bedroom needs to be painted. I need the colour to be matched with the rest of my room which is a grey ish colour.
Building reliable internet for internet cafe 22 points
DB is triping
DB box outdated and needs to be replaced.
Holiday home in Trafalgar vandalised.
Identify essential plugs and lights, and connect up to solar inverter and panels already installed.