Hi. I want to build a huge cage for my cats and the fence must be at least 2m high. The fence I need must be similar then the fences that they install around the rugby fields at the schools and I would like to add two pedestrian gates. I would prefer if the Please contact me after 13:30
I need the razor wire 30m call me after 14:30,
Looking for two gates, two swing gates.
I don't know the meters per side length, but the stands size is m2
Must install a mesh fences of m.The posts must be 75 *75 mm *2 m high every 3 m with concrete. The holes in the mesh must be ,50* 50mm
Fence to close front of garden to keep dog inside property. No need for security fencing just plain palisade.
Hello please find the attached specifications, this request is for Paarl Correctional Service
Included in size 1 pedestrian gate of mm with barrel lock
I think it is just short of meters all around