Want to replace roof tiles with galvanised roof sheets long lengths 10 sheets of 11 m each.
Require roofing for my existing deck
Existing IBR roof sheets to be replaced at entrances to 7 industrial units and parking canopy
16 East Street , Observatory Jhb. i have a slate roof .The house is a double storey . It needs a little attention with some area leaking.. I have a year ago installed solar panels and may be the result of the tiles shifting. It showed up with the rain
Roof leaking. Terribly.
Sq Meters. Corrugated roof fix , anti rust and repaint
Good Day we have a leak in the roof
The roof is leaking, upon my inspection i discovered that that the tiles are not even. When is raining heavily that is when the leaking is taking place. I suppose that the roof tiles needs to be fixed and be places in a correct way. the project can take one day to be fixed because is a small portion.