I need 3 bedroom house , 1 garage, kitchen , lounge, and dining. got the plot, the plans have been put into work
I want to built 5 star hotel.
I am a South African National living overseas but I own property in phoenix that I would like to develop. There is present a building on the plot which I have rented out. With the balance of the land I want to build a double storey. Upstairs as residence and ground floor as small business premises to let out for rent. Because there is red tape for transfer of money, iwant to do the project in phases.
My current house is sqm, want to extend up until sqm. Restructure the layout. Currently its a 3 bedroom double storey house - 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, dinning room and TV room. Double garage. Want to build 4th room downstairs. Extend kitchen. Move the stairs where they are and add a Pajama lounge.
Addition of ensuite. Expansion of a room. Expansion of lounge. Conversion of garage to scullery. I need engineering services as well.
6 bedroom house
We would like buy a plot to build a sqm 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom no bath just walk in shower with double wash basin and toilet and powder room (2) toilet wash basin only nice size 2 bedrooms open plan kitchen garage attached to house with door leading into house with lots of cupboards.i would like 3 quotes on WITH wood AND with bricks thank you kindly philip.
I would like a flat or an outbuliding at the back of my house preferably a double story so basically two separate flats two bedroom each and one bathroom