I want an E-commerce website with more than beauty products. I do not have a deadline.
I really want to sell my songs on this website in order to market my music.
1. Home page with 5 links/icons each comprising a picture 2. Shipping container sales/leasing 3. Transport 4. Cabotage 5. About us 6. General Enquiries/Contact The following needs to occur when the above links are clicked. 1. Takes user to a form that has the fields: Sale, Lease (drop down to select) Type (drop down for - General purpose, refrigerated, site office, shop, house, other) Name Company (optional) Tel Email Comment Once this is completed by the user it sends this to an admin email address 2. Takes user to a form that has the fields: Name Company (optional) Tel Email Transport from Transport to Number of loads Comment Once this is completed by the user it sends this to an admin email address 3. Takes user to a page that says "coming soon" . In future we want to have a table of transport required, location details, size of deal with contract prices for the user to select and submit. Then in the back the site Moderator can approve or reject the submission and provide more information if approved. 4. Standard page with blurb and picture 5. Takes user to a form that has the fields: Name Company (optional) Tel Email Comment/Enquiry Once this is completed by the user it sends this to an admin email address
I am selling detergents, want at least 2 pages.
We are an engineering company . I want clients to be able contact us online and see our company adverts..
Its a fast food business.Maybe 1-2 pages. No deadline
its a website for a new hailing and food delivery app that is coming soon, deadline in 10 days.
Basically I am writinga Business plan. Whereby, it will be a shopping complex that also is a gaming centre. PlayStations, go-kart car racing. RC cars restaurant, dry cleaner. For now I just want a company that is doing website design only for a quote as to how much would it cost to design me such a website whereby even clients can order online. Pay online. See all our product range. A company that can even do marketing for my company online. We will also have 2 kinds of Cinemas, rent a VIP hall as well as gym and aerobics.