I would like S. E. O only
by selecting e-commerce, I meant the following: 1. needs to house a few profiles of my candidates-I'm a recruiter- featured profiles, say 10 2. it needs to allow for the submission of a request form 3. it needs to allow for me to update back-end regularly 4. it needs to allow credit card payments/ redirect to eft - 5. needs to allow me to grant subscribed clients access if I want to e.g to view my candidates and their contact details, to a certain degree
Biko Ngwenya-person you will be speaking to
To start off as a busess website but later on to be converted to e-commerce
I wish to upload videos and the should not be down loaded and charge for viewing
should be glamour and very much selling
Starting own hair business. Selling existences and wigs. Need a logo and website, able to sell products online.
An affordable quotation for SEO and assist with our website.