2 car shadecloth carport in front of existing double garage
The carport needs to come from the side of the house which is about 1 meter in width, and to the way to the front of house which is about 6x6m if I'm not mistaken. I would like a quote I'm not sure what the correct measurements are at this stage. We would also like carport roof that is solid for all weather conditions especially rain, but brings in natural sunlight to the home still. Please advise. Thank you
Size 6m x 9m. Alternative number for Whatsapp is . The carport is not for covering cars, it will be used as a storage space.
15x5.5m freestanding galvanized IBR sheets
I would like a shade carport for two cars that can be attached to the outside of my double garage. There can be no implanting with concrete due to Estate rules in order to term the port as a temporary structure. Please send me quote to cover a Fortuner and a Toyota Camry standing next to one another. Thank you.
For a carport size that can fit about 20 cars, there's a section of about 4 cars where the shade net has been damaged due to severe weather. I require a repair for this area please.
The frame is erected already. Just need to have it completed corrugated board.