We would like to have options on a fire alarm system based at Fyred - preferably a bell and flashing light. If this goes off then everyone must go to the assembly point. In addition, we have discussed a security siren with flashing light that our security can press in the event of an emergency / incursion. A panic button based at the guard house and another at the coffee shop. I am thinking we could combine both requirements and have a fire-alarm-bell, security-siren-linked-to-panic-button and flashing-orange-light (that goes off in the event of both). The reason for splitting the system out is that if security hit the panic button and the siren comes on, we don't want people rushing to the assembly point, we want them to stay inside. Also splitting them out will notify us who to call, so a siren = armed response unit.
My wish is sponsored alarm system. My school is about 9km away from Hillcrest town. It is junior primary school with an enrolment less than because of small population. This means that we receive very less in funds allocations. We have had 4 burglaries since the year started. We are targeted because they know we cannot afford security at night. We have one volunteer during the day, that receives stipend from the department. They target the kitchen and admin building , taking stoves and food. Our learners would go hungry. Teaching and learning is disrupted. Kindly accept my humble request. Thank you Mrs. Nelly Kikine (Principal)
I need a quote for the supply and installation of an alarm system consisting of 5 x degree outdoor curtain type beams and 2 x indoor PIR, keypad, control panel, transformer, battery, siren, strobe light, 4 x remotes and receiver and what ever more is required. for a property in Vaal Marina. Also monitoring and armed response. Regards
Good morning, I will be in Cape Town in August with my family for touristic trip. I have been in Cape Town three times already in the past without having any issue or security fear, but I heard that in the last year criminal rate increased a lot. I won’t visit townships or cape flats zone, only touristic places, good hope cape, Hermanus, Boulders’s driving with rented car. Do you think I would need a private security or are those safe zones? In case, what would be the fare to hire a private bodyguard that will follow us during the day (we won’t move with the dark). Many thanks for your kind reply. Have a great day, ,
Good Morning I would like a quotation for an alarm system. And if possible if we could pay it off monthly. I stay at 51 Vergezocht Avenue near Waterbron, Bloemfontein. It would mainly be for doors, eyes in rooms. Thank you
I am requesting a quote for the following: 1. Biometric access control system (electronic access system with recording and reporting) 2. CCTV camera system (video data storage for at least 30 days) i, CCTV DVR 4 channel with reporting ii, CCTV DVR 8 channel with reporting 3. CCTV camera (minimum specs): 2MP Full HD p
Hi We are a security company looking to outsource another security company to attend to CCTV and IT related maintenance at one of our sites in Bloemfontein. Please contact me if you could provide us with a quote on 71 CCTV cameras. TAKE NOTE: AN NDA(NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT) IS REQUIRED TO GO ONTO SITE.
We would like a quote on two turnstile gates one for an exit door one for an entrance door, in our branch in KWT. We want to minimize the chances of theft as we have valuable items in our front shop, and with a security guard you don't always pick up traces of theft with an exit and entrance all being in one place.
Hi, I am a medical doctor and will be doing home visits soon. Because i will be going to my patient's location, I wanted to know if you offer a service where i can be tracked with my cell phone. Something like: Upon arrival of the patient's location, informing you of my loction or logging it on an app and within 45 mins informing you of my safe departure from the location and if you do not hear from me, then you would call or send armed response.