I'd like to get a quotation for vinyl flooring for an area of approximately square meters along with the skirting thereof.
Good afternoon I have a space that is approximately 20 square meters that need to be covered.
I need a quate on 24sq vinal flooring the one that you glue on when you fit it.
Support structure to be reinforced and some Oregon pine boards replaces. Sanding and varnishing of floor must be done.
Is it possible to get a professional to come over to take correct measurements first and then give me aquote? Hope to hear from you soon.
I need to sand the floors, stained and vanished them.
I am looking for proper hardwood flooring with a varnish that will cover a space of about 80 square meters. Please: I am always in court I would really appreciate it if you can email me the quote or send a Whatsapp text.
Screeding existing surfaces and installing an area of approximately 65 square netted. Please feel free to contact me so that I can send you the location.
We are going to be renovating our apartment in Simbithi and are considering installing bamboo floors.