Good day we are a DIY rubber company and just want to know more about your waterproofing product or if you would be interested in your products have a great day Line Snyman
The bathroom, laundry & garage had been added to the existing house and sone time after the initial build, the corrugated roof of this new structure (which includes these 3 areas) was raised. When it rains, it leaks into the old structure on one side (that we are aware of) where the old and new structures meet..
Flat roof just done. Need waterproofing
back foundation walls of garages in excavated sandy soil, will backfill afterwardd
Roof is leaking in some places
need roof waterproofed before next winter
One layer of micron embossed damp proof course in walls 55m2 One layer of micron waterproof sheeting sealed at laps under surface beds 87m2
I have a IBR roof that needs rudderising. Sheets still in good condition with a bit of rust
new school