We provide a SAAS software solution to manage PoPIA compliance in South Africa. In addition we model business processes and provide general business consulting services.
Household Maintenance Plumbing Electrical
Pty(ldt)is a contracting and mining company. Aim is for Customers to see what's the company can offer. To be the best that money can offer.
We are flooring contractors. We do floors in Residential, Commercial & industrial spaces.We supply & fit artificial turf for any sports facility. Functional floors for Pharmaceuticals, Food & beverages,Motor industry & Abbatoirs are our core business
Photography page Different albums, About, Contact, Emailing, Services
I have different vehicle brake pad products that I want to sell online. The products are listed in an excel spreadsheet. I have an existing business.
Beaut hair Salon
I am able to discuss properly after lunch today, available on Whatsapp in the meantime.
Wine Business - current website http://caminspiredwines.com/ This new website will be for a new wine business.