About: Tutikisa is a leading provider of construction and waterproofing services in Johannesburg, South Africa. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services available. We offer a wide range of services including waterproofing, paving, painting, and electrical services. We pride ourselves on being able to provide our customers with a one-stop shop for all their construction needs. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service at the most competitive prices.
The bathroom, laundry & garage had been added to the existing house and sone time after the initial build, the corrugated roof of this new structure (which includes these 3 areas) was raised. When it rains, it leaks into the old structure on one side (that we are aware of) where the old and new structures meet..
We are looking at wiring the entire house, the house has 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a lounge area.
Flat roof just done. Need waterproofing
We have units that need to be painted. Every unit has a kitchen and 2 small bathrooms. Walls and ceilings need to be painted with light cream enamel. Aprrox size of each area is 42 square meters including ceilings. Project will start 16 Dec and end 8 Jan . After which painting and cleaning must be completed. 42sm x
interior and exterior painting
Earth leakage drops sometimes when geyser on or some appliance are on and outside lights points insulation.
paint and plaster inside and outside house
Exterior only