Want to cell computers. Upload new photos and prices up to 50-70 at a time. Need to sell it ASAP. Planning to have discount from time to time.
My company consists of the following services financial accounting, book keeping & tax returns. Personalised email addresses, contact information, services rendered etc. Looking at starting the project next week. Call Ronnie
www.laramontours.com this is our current website We are based in Namibia , What I would want to have on the website is for clients to be able to make payment easily , also to add images from Laramontours and also a location to be added . As well as a booking system to be updated to have the the booking and the payments linked to one.
With a big fish diving above a blue river gorge
An interactive website Example like Uber .. Profile plug-in Subscription plug-in and the google location. Speak to Jameel
Will be speaking to Abraham
Hi i wishe to know the difference between social media marketing and Google ads marketing
The website must be database driven to enable me to maintaining the content. Stewart Masimirembwa...person you will be speaking.
is an online classifieds platform allowing people to buy and goods. The platform is anchored on free listings, secure online payments and door-to-door deliveries. Although the bargain is done between the seller and buyer on the platform, the parties are not allowed to exchange personal details. These are controlled safely and privately by . Phinitafa-Person you will be speaking to