How to keep your home secured with a functioning electric fence?
Looking for a secure perimeter? Learn how to maintain electric and barbed wire fences, plus pro tips.
Want to close up and replace the old barbed wire in my farm
looking at m x 2mH fence to run square along boundary with 3 straight sections of m, and 2 straight sections of m razor wire diamond shaped mesh installation and/or comparative quote on diamond mesh fence. Both fully galvanised, posts, 6 cnr posts, two vehicle access gates and posts, concrete, hole digging, binding wire and stays included. Please indicate wire and fence used by weight or thickness and also specify size of mesh apartures in quote. Start date 21-28 April.
Complete with 2 x 1.5 Meter Swing Gates. SANS Standard -
1 x 1 Meter Pedestrian Gate 2 x 1.5 Meter Swing Gate
Entry level precast cement wall