Hello,illegal occupants on my father's property first offered to purchase the land for R50 bt the offer wad rejected because the land value is R ..now suddenly they claim to own the land &have conjured up fake documents,with the help of the Botshabelo municipality..Deeds office in Bloemfontein still claims even today that thr property belongs to my late father..God bless
Hello! I wish to know the financial position and performance of a company I am in conflict with (breach of contract) for me to take informed decision to go into damages claim litigation or not. Now I need to know whether such an investigation is feasible with you for their past, present and what could be projected future financial performance. Should it be possible what could be your rates and lead time for delivery? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards,
Got involved in a car accident while driving with another car in . Bloods were taken at clinic, got detained for alleged drunken driving but got released on bail to appear the in court the following day. Appeared in court and prosecutor said to wait to be called when blood results are back but till today nothing and it's been more than three years since COVID which they said delayed the results. Approached at some point the investigating officer but he couldn't find the docket it's lost and so I suspect fowl play or that the bloods themselves are no more. I can't do important things in life because of this active status pending case and can't get police clearance. I'd like to know what is happening here and if the bloods are there or if they were even tested. So how much if you will be able to do such an investigation?
I was asked to provide consulting services in respect of the establishment of a community farm by the landowner and his wife. I met with the landowner and his wife in Johannesburg on 11 October - 2 hours. I advised the landowner & his wife to take notes so that they could check through their notes & and I would explain in greater detail based on the queries from their notes that they would send back to me. I advised them of my hourly consultation fee before I started work on the annotation of their queries. As I understood this to be an upliftment project I dropped my consulting fee from R/hr to R/hr. Their notes were emailed to me on the 15th October . I again confirmed my hourly rate. I spent 11 hours commenting on their notes in great detail - covering technical issues pertaining to land leases, land improvements, capitalisation of expenditure and methods to recover such capital expenditure etc. I sent the annotated notes back to the client on 16 October . Further questions and explanations followed pertaining to the formation of a property trust, donation tax etc. These were dealt with by Whatsapp messaging (screen shots have been recorded of the conversations) . I submitted my invoice on 22 October . At this point, the landowner refused to pay what he called my exorbitant fees - R .00 for 11 hours spent annotating the notes that they had sent to me. An additional 2 hours of Whatsapp consultation on 22 October followed regarding Total Amount Invoiced R 5 .00. Via WhatsApp messenger the landowner communicated that he was not going to pay my fees ...but as a gesture of goodwill they would forward a gratuity payment. They paid R .00.
I paid someone for the purchase of some items and arranged a courier. They never met the courier after multiple attempts. The person then agreed to send the money back and has been dodging me since. He says he will pay one month and then doesn't pay. When I follow up he says "Tomorrow" and does not pay. It's been over 16 months since I sent him the money. He still has not paid anything, the plan was R each month for 8 months then R. So a total of R. He lives in East London I am from western cape. I have his full name and ID, bank statements proving all monies.
I'm not happy about the way I was treated at a public hospital. I was dismissed by several gynecologists, harassed by a nurse and on top of everything she threatened to assault me in front of her colleagues. There was a redress meeting last week Thursday and I'm not satisfied with the outcome. I have more than enough evidence to prove it and I'm % sure that I'm not the first patient to complain about this nurse. My concern is why does she still work there!
I am a single mother of two kids am employed but my work doent not meet all my needs so with that i ended up borrowing money from people thats makes the situation to be worse becouse come month end i dont have money .so now i have started a small business to assist me but i am sort with money fore stcock that why would like to apply fore these loan .
I moved to East London on 5 August to resume my duties at work. I have been followed wherever I go, by various vehicles, and even doing shopping or other chores around. Since 1 October it has become extreme with vehicles outside my home and place of work. There's people taking photos of me and my child. I would like to know
Good day Zobuya paid my employee with an aim to take him over without my concern, he did not mention anything to me until the job is complete because I am the one qualified to do compliancing. When I serve him an invoice He deducted money of which I didn’t know about and my employee I already paid him. The 2nd invoice he has never paid me for 5 months inspection done by the department job accepted progress report submitted the project almost done now we on the last phase.