Avoid making these mistakes for a safer electric fence
Although electric fences have many benefits to their owners, they are dangerous and can lead to severe injuries to both people and animals.
Good morning, would just like to get quotes on electric fencing for our property.
1. mm X 2,5mm X 3m high Corner posts (6 off) With base plate of mm xmm 2. Straining Posts of (mm X2,5mm X 3m High - with caps and mm X mm base plate(4 off) 3.diamond Mesh 50mmX50mmX2,5mm X2,5M High (m) (1off) 4. 3,4m Double leave gate (opening of 4,2m wide)( steel tubing 2,5mmX 48mm). (1off) 5.pedestrian gate (2,5m High) 1m opening 6.Razor wire m
Galvanized Steel palisade fence to be fitted to existing low brick wall with maximum efficiency and quality workmanship at a competitive total cost.
Looking at installing by the end of November. Not too sure about the height.
Precast concrete fence
Need 3/4 pedestrian
Galvanized. 1.5 swing gate