Please tell me , do you also do ground work and construction of training centres and workshops ? For example we want to put up 1 qty x 50 meter x 50 meter x 6 meter high and 1 x 50 meter x 50 meter x 8 meter high. both of these 2 buildings will be about 6 meter apart but still next to each other .. With that I'm looking for deasant ground work , cement slabs inside for flooring at the highest standard as we want to use the 8 meter high shop / training centre with overhead cranes and heavy loads. The 6 meter will only be training centre with class rooms. with that all plumbing work and electrical work to be included... Will you be able to estimate quote on that ?
need estimates for a beautiful house build
trying to plan to build a two story house at Square metre.. 4 bedroom...
Want to build a double garage with an office space on top (double storey).
Beach house in Pringle bay
Good day, I want to fully repaint my interior of my house. Work that needs to be done: All the walls - Living room - 2 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms - Skurting - Ceiling of 1 bathroom. - Kitchen cupboard - 2 doors - Window frames The house floor sqm is 99 I would estimate the walls to be around - sqm.
add 1 bathroom, create open plan kitchen. exchange front walll for glass and create a varander. pool deckin.