7mx8m warehouse two garage windows, one bi-fold door, metal door, flat roof with IBR roof sheets. Land purchased and the title deed has been received, ready to move forward with plans.
Hi there I just bought a house it's an old-fashioned house I want to change it and make it new (remodel it). I will discuss all the project specifications with a professional. Thank you
We want to add a lounge,garage ground floor and 2bedrooms on top.
To extend RDP with a few rooms
I would like to extend my mother's house, to a slightly bigger and modern style house. Looking to extend the house by roughly -m2
Take out a staircase and open the lower floor into an open plan space. Include a garage currently built onto the house into the house. Build up onto the garage. Add a garage onto the back of the property. Add a cottage at the back of the property.
I need professional scale drawing for solar panels on the town house roof for body Corporate approval
I want to have 5 bad rooms/6 ,dinning room and sitting room it must be a double str ,with balconies snd and double garage
Carport alongside the house, 36 sqm.
The client has just purchased m2 of land & is looking to get plans drawn up .