About: The Drain Surgeon is a plumbing company that has been in business since 1995. We offer a variety of services such as water leak detection, geyser related services, plumbing repairs and replacement, and plumbing installation. We are located in Alkantrant, 51 LEBOMBO STREET.
Nutec build of Garage 10m by 6m.
I need a double story house
as per sketch
I'm waiting for the plans.
My boundary wall was damaged. The dimensions are 4.2m X 1m and I've got palacade fence on top.
Lowest student price to install swan dishwasher
-replacing shower frame (the doors dont open and close properly so they say the frame needs replacing.. or whatever can be done for doors to open and close). - unblock toilet( note it's not outside drains that has a problem ..all other drains are fine, just toilet). -leaking shower copper pipe on roof. PLEASE CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL ONLY, I CAN'T TAKE CALLS AT WORK