• Weldmesh (92.5x50x25x2.5) (Must be rust proof, galvanized) • Flat wrap razor wire top and bottom • Main and corner posts x3mmx4m • Stays (50x2mmx3.8m) • Intermediate posts (76x2x3.8m) • Straining wire • Concrete • Intermediate posts to be 3m distance between each. • Wire Tensioners to be installed on straining wires. • All gates to be sliding gates, and be supplied with lockable device (6x sliding gates as indicated on google earth doc with purple arrows). • Sliding gate to run on angle iron rail. Must be properly secured with concrete. • Gate sizes 9m opening. • Old fence to be totally removed and replaced with new one. • All steel to be painted. Just an extra information will provide me with a full project plan with full detailed programme The programme must in detail describe the extent of the work to be carried out including but not limited to:- 1. Planned commencement date, activities and planned completion date; 2. Sequence, timing and resources for carrying out the work; 3. Method statement showing proposed method of carrying out the works. 4. Cost breakdown of labour and materials
Hello there I work at Bodhi Khaya Retreat Centre in Gansbaai. We have several incidents with baboons breaking the glass roof of one of our houses at the premises. This keeps recurring and is adding up now. We want to address the root cause and put electrical wiring around the house/the roof to keep the baboons away. Kind regards Emmanuel
Note that there is one which was installed by the previous owner (DIY) which is currently not working at all due to its poorly installation. My expectations is that, if I agreed the terms and conditions, installation needs to be done neatly quickly (within reasonable time frame) and also linked to my current alarm system. Yard is 32m X 34m.
Hi, I require a fence of about 4 m(length) by 1,5 m(height). A swing gate of 1,5m(length) by 1m(height) but if there's a standard gate size in terms of width/length then it can be wooden panel with the gate. I also require a swing gate of 0.9m(length) by 1m(height.) for the patio area. If possible can you quote on a wooden fence and a picket fence? The fencing required is for child safety to prevent the kids from accessing the pool area. Thanks Kind regards,
I need Pallasades on top of a precast wall height of wall - 6 feet I need palisades between mm - 1 meter installed on top of the wall length required 14 meter i saw an image of the different types of palisades - i would prefer a butterfly or devils fork attached is a photo of the garden area - the palisades mys go on the wall where the Jasmin is planted(left side) between the houses
Good Morning, I would please like a quote on materials and installation of doggy bars on my existing palisade fence. We would like the easiest and most affordable solution to keep our 2 miniature (escape artist) Yorkies within our garden walls without them potentially getting hurt. Some of the existing palisades might have to be lengthened at the bottom as well. I am not sure how long the fence is. Please let me know if you need more details or if you would like to make a site visit for quoting purposes. Thank you.
Need further advice. Planning on purchasing 2 Hectare plot for residential and small scale farming. The plan is to live and do farming on 1 hectare and use the other hectare for livestock grazing for 10 years and then sell it. Is is then wise to install electric on the entire 2 hectare or just 1 hectare and do normal razor wire fencing on one. The livestock will graze and be returned each day back into the electric fenced hectare.
Morning McCullum may you kindly please furnish me with a Quotation see below chart Thank you. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY 1 Barbed wire 3,15mm X 2,50 mm( mm equivalent diameter) High Tensile grade steel galvanised (SANS Approved) 50kg- M 10 2 BENDING WIRE 1.5 MM 6 3 Steel DROPPERS STEEL 4 Y STANDARD
To Safegaurd our operations working this Prasa Rail Contract for 36 months. We will move around along the railline. We replace sleepers and remove scrap daily. We want our Site Office, Vehicles that is park either at Site Office or along the Railline where we work and that Transport Rail Materials to be safe at all times. So we need a squad dedicated to us. Normally we work from Monday to Friday. The Site and Office have to be guarded fulltime. 24/7.
Electric Fence main components (materials) Corner poles 3m height Corner stays Y standard free standing 3m Wires per length, spacing and lines. Electric bare wire spacing: mm x 20 lines HT cables per roll Earth spikes placed every 15m of fence, Connected to the poles. Energizer per zone Siren 30w Comms cable per roll Keypad Enclosure fibre glass Warning signs place every 10m of fence line and gates. Lightning diverters per zone Concrete casted over the whole length +/- mm (mm in the ground & mm above ground) 1.2 Accessories Bolt & nuts, insulators, clips, hooks, ferrules, tensioners, strainers, contacts & brackets, etc 1.3 Existing Palisade Fence Existing fence to be left as is and be inside of the new Electric fence +/- mm apart. N/A N/A 1.4 GATES Double entrance gate to be fitted with electric fence. Gates shall be connected to the overall electric fence. Standard locking device adaptable to the Municipal lock.