To razor wire a small weak access area on property. Dogs prove a good deterrent as do the sheer height and fencing/security by neighbouring properties. Due to constant Load Shedding, camera, electric fence and security options prove redundant due to their reliance on electricity. As such, I would like to just address the small weak area. Not a very big job but necessary so a visit and subsequent quote would be most appreciated.
It must be msq with iron poles, with barbwire/razorblade coiled wire on top,
We just need a barbed wire fence repairs on the top of some of our walls.
Delivery of all materials needed for a 2.4m high,m length palisade fence
just need urgent a quote on steel palisade 15m x 2.5 in meyerton
I also need a sliding black mesh gate of approx. 3m
Yard to be fenced to keep pets and small livestock in - basically a rectangle with 4 gates, 3 garden and one vehicle access. Possibility to combine with electric fencing