About: Tagane Investments is a security company located in Braamfischer, Johannesburg. They offer security system installation and other security services to Pretoria and Johannesburg. Their main advantages are their experience, quality service, and competitive prices.
1. I need to see what is happening on my property from my cell phone when not at home. 2. I require two monitors in my house to see what is happening on my property while I am at home. 3. I require alarms and cameras inside and outside of my house. Quantities will depend on advice from the service provider.
Tenants have moved out and I require the following for a 2.5 bedroom, 2 bathroom, lounge and kitchen unit. - Cleaning of Cupboards (Full Clean - Inside and outside) - Windows to be cleaned - Bathrooms to be cleaned (Showers have mildew on glass) - Mopping of floors - Please alos give me an estimate with regards to Carpet Cleaning It is for the two bottom bedrooms (1.5 bedrooms), but will need a deep clean due to stains.
The property consists of 3 bedroom house and then there is a 2 bedroom granny flat that I would like to have security system installed as well as armed responses. Possibly a system that can be controlled from the telephone to switch certain sections on and off at times. Outside beams maybe x4, Door protection x 9 then inside eyes possible x 4. Maybe you guys can assist with the details. Thanks
Please be advised that am not the owner nor the resident of the house in question. Will you by any chance consider providing a quotation for cleaning a double-story house in Bluewaterbay which is "ruined" through animal hoarding (60 Yorkshire terriër dogs)? It's a pig sty the cleaning of which requires the wear of full-face respiratory masks due to an unbearable ammoniac odor. Proper cleaning of the carpets will require the use of industrial carpet cleaning machines.
I'm a Trustee for our Body Corporate and our AGM will be held soon, before the end of July. I only wish to have a suitable quote to present at the AGM. My thoughts are to have a surveillance pole that covers Summer Place and Glendale remote gates and also cover the front wall, facing Topham road. This would be - 52 / 54 Topham road. Another thought - only surveillance coverage for certain hours? Possibly eg. daily from 10 pm to 4 am. This is just a thought and your input would be much appreciated. With all the overall high price increases - we can only afford to pay what is really necessary for certain hours - although I do realise that the daytime is just as bad. A separate thought:- Our 2 complexes are situated just across from Girls High School - their back entrance/exit into Topham road. Possibly a surveillance pole that would cover the back entrance/exit of the school as well? These separate quotes can be submitted at our AGM and we could then enquire as well if the School would be interested - should the quotes be very reasonable. With thanks,
This is for 2 elderly persons who can’t do everything anymore House cleaning every week plus ironing
Rate to be in square meter
I need a security company that will fix the existing beam and put on sensors and cameras. Please feel free to contact me for more info. Thank you