Good morning, I woke up to having no hot water running through my pipes and only cold water this morning. I am wondering what the problem could be. I had not issues previously. I recently installed a borehole and water filtration system. However after the system backwashed this morning at 2 am, I have only cold water and no hot water running through the pipes. what could be the cause. Could it be a malfunctioning differential valve. Or a resetting of the valve. In your experience what could be the problem and solution. are you able to come out and assist in fixing it. Please let me know. Thanks also do you think I require a none return valve. What would the cost of this be.
Rubberized roof
Shower and toilet installation
Need IBR roof to be waterproofed with normal waterproofing membrane. The total distance that will need waterproofing is 41 meters. Please send me quotes as I cannot show you the work. I am not home and will need to make a decision based on your quotation for you to go to the house and do the work.
My phone number is weird I know. I’m Australian visiting a friend in Philipolis. Water supply in the house is very eratic. Water to the house is supplied by either the council or a water tank with a pressure pump. All the systems work well outside the house. We get water flow from the council at the garden tap and the pressure pump operates as it should to the same garden tap. But inside the house is no water supply. What is mind boggling is when I open a tap inside the house , switch the pump off and on again, water flows to all the interior taps. If I close the tap, the pump goes off as it should, but when I open an interior tap again, the pump does not switch on. I want a good reliable plumber to drive out this way to fix the problem please.