Different types of security fences: Palisade, electric or razor wire?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of security fences
About: Symmetry Construction is a fencing company that operates in Stellenbosch. It offers a range of fencing services, including the installation of palisade fences, picket fences and wire mesh fences. The company serves both residential and commercial customers in the area.
7 metres to fix. steel palisade vs. clear view.
i need this asap
This is diamond fence to enclose a consrution site (tempory to be remove after construction
Hi i need QUOTATION for palisade fence height 37 meters long to b mounted on wall around the house must b galvanized.
I want panels
This is diamond fence to enclose a construction site (temporary to be remove after construction).
With and without the installation
not welded palisade please
Razor on top