About: Steel Guard is a leading supplier and installer of fencing in the Atholhurst area of Johannesburg. We offer a wide variety of fencing solutions to meet the needs of our clients, including palisade fence, electric fence, picket fence, wire mesh fence, barbed wire fence, wood fence, concrete fence, and clearview fence. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality products and services possible. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and customer service. Our team of highly skilled professionals are dedicated to making sure that your experience with us is a positive one.
Car crashed into existing fence and damaged it. Replacing a section .
I need 8 lines
A.driveway gate and a pedestrian gate is included in the 19 meter length.
There are also two gates, 2 by 1.2 meters and 4 by 2 meters. The larger gate must be in two equal sections. both can swing on hinges and lock with a bolt and padlock, and one bolt in the ground in case of the large gate. I'm going to cut the brick pillars down so they are the same height as the wall, so the bottom of the fence will always be same level.
Electric fencr COC --Compliance certificate
Repair of fence one post broken the gate lean on one side and broke the electric fencing Repair The post of the fence THE POST OF THE FENCE