We recently moved into a flat in Port St Francis and we have an extreme cockroach infestation. I see at least 4-5 every day. If we go out at night and come back we’ve counted 9-11 on the kitchen counters. They are mostly in the kitchen but I’ve also seen some in the bedrooms. They look like American cockroaches and range from extremely large to very small. I have also seen fish moth looking pests. I see at least one a day. The flat is 74 square metres. Thanks so much.
I usually have fumigation done every 3 months. My usual company is not able to do it this time round. They use stuff that's safe for pets. I have a cat. They usually do extermination/fumigation for rats and cockroaches. I've seen a few dead and live cockroaches. Will you please send me a quote and I need this done by Wed 18 Dec morning or late afternoon. Thanks.
Hi, outside I suspect that I have wasps. In the beginning of the year I found a empty small hive(brown) above my room window outside hanging on the roof I would say it had about 30 circles. I took a broom and took it off and threw it in the bin. Yesterday I noticed that it is back and there were about 5-7 wasps at the time I thought it was bees swarming around it and on the flowers on the ground and I think I saw about 4 white eggs. Now I suspect it might not be bees but wasps. Please let me know how much to remove and eradicate it. There are also bugs coming from outside into the house I suspect that they are mostly in the roof because the fall from the roof from time to time and land on their back. I say it is bug because it does not look like a usual cockroach to me rather it looks like a bug with a dark brown back it might be a cockroach. and the ants around the house outside and at times they make their way inside through the cracks of the house into the bin. I now try to keep the bin and zinc and floors as clean as possible for there to be no food particles that can attract the ants. Please give me a inclusive extermination quote and a separate wasp removal and eradication quote. Thank you.
I have an opening between my wall and roof. I've recently noticed some scratching and skittering coming from my ceiling, normally around 5:30pm to 6pm almost every day. I initially thought it was just birds, but recently discovered that it's a mouse. I need to have it removed and the gap closed. I am aware that there were some mice in the area, they lived off an old wendy house belonging to my neighbour, which since has been dismantled. So these rodents must be looking for a new home.
I have a common problem of cockroaches and recently I have a rat problem I have seen evidence that it a rat. The other thing it been almost two years since we moved in and we have never fumigation the house just for prevention it will the the main house and the outside building which is a two bedroom cabin and a shed
We live in a 2 bedroom flat with open area kitchen, lounge and dinning area. We have parquet flooring and wooden skirting. The cockroaches hide under the floor skirting and beneath cupboards, door frames, and everywhere else including under the fridge and other electric appliances. During the day you may not see them, at night they come out. Desperate for fumigation and extermination of these pests. :-(
I hear a lot of noises in the roof but only at night/early hours of the morning is when it's the worst. I suspect bats because we have a lot in the area but I can't be sure as it could also be birds or rats. The noises are so loud that I can barely sleep at night. It's tumbling, scurrying, sounds like pebbles in the roof being shuffled around and also sounds like they're wrestling with each other. I cannot be sure what it is at this point. Also, sometimes there's a loud screeching sound as well.
These cockroaches around everywhere, they have taken refuge in our cupboards, to the toilet seat and can also go into the fridge. We struggle with bed bugs in our clothes, our beds and it is difficult to sleep at night cause we deal with these bites every night. And no matter how we clean, they always come back.
At the beginning of December we moved into a ground floor apartment in GreenCreek Lifestyle Estate. It was clear from the beginning that the previous tenants left us with a cockroach problem but i didn’t realise how severe it would be. Every single night I see multiple cockroaches in our kitchen area and no matter what home remedy or store product I try, nothing seems to work. I need an affordable fumigation service.