Tenants have moved out and I require the following for a 2.5 bedroom, 2 bathroom, lounge and kitchen unit. - Cleaning of Cupboards (Full Clean - Inside and outside) - Windows to be cleaned - Bathrooms to be cleaned (Showers have mildew on glass) - Mopping of floors - Please alos give me an estimate with regards to Carpet Cleaning It is for the two bottom bedrooms (1.5 bedrooms), but will need a deep clean due to stains.
I need a quote for painting 14 blocks of which gives you 88 Units. Block 1=12(Double Storey) Units, 10 Block Of 8 Units Double Storey, 3 Blocks Of 4 Units Double Storey, Pool Area , Club House and Guard House. The Main Colour is Elephant Hide and the boundary on the windows is beige colour and the railings, window frames, Burglar Security gates is enamel brown (Code: G18 PWD Brown)
Please be advised that am not the owner nor the resident of the house in question. Will you by any chance consider providing a quotation for cleaning a double-story house in Bluewaterbay which is "ruined" through animal hoarding (60 Yorkshire terriër dogs)? It's a pig sty the cleaning of which requires the wear of full-face respiratory masks due to an unbearable ammoniac odor. Proper cleaning of the carpets will require the use of industrial carpet cleaning machines.
This is for 2 elderly persons who can’t do everything anymore House cleaning every week plus ironing
Rate to be in square meter
Please feel free to email me the quote. Regards
Can you please send me your rates per square meter I am planning to paint my residential property? Feel free to contact me for more info.
Clean new house. Windows, walls, cupboards & outside patio with cladding. Please feel free to drop me a Whatsapp text