This is for a law firm... specialising in 9 main services... also has add-ons like for example a bond cost calculator etc.... The URL is: https://jjrinc.co.za
Simple website to display information about what our company. About, Team, Services and projects.
The current website was designed on canva. I would like to integrate with pay-pal and a registration form and receive notifications of new registration and orders. I need some advise on the above and am willing to settle on a fee to be paid.
The aim of the website is to expand my online presence as well as provide or sell my services.
,air conditioner & electrical repairs
Telecommunication, the business deals with Information Technology and Communication
I want to start a website for life coaching, I would like to create a website for people to see that I am a Professional Life Coach and that they can book sessions with me.
Website for lifestyle membership. Marketplace business model. A few components for website. Partner login and member login. Bookings and payments need to be made on website. If you want an example go look at Classpass.
Window cleaning services
E-commerce website to sell clothes. The type of fashion is street wear/urban.