4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, guest powder room, combined lounge, diningroom, kitchen, washing room, double garages, stain of all wooden window frames and wooden doors and double garage doors, Exterior: painting (building sqm), high pressure cleaning of outside verranda +/- sqm as well as all paving areas, treatment of damping of walls outside.
Paint kitchen lounge bathroom bedroom in white, please use Whatsapp for communication
this is for my parents house
I would like you to phone me
repair small and medium cracks, some small water servuce spots and painting of the full.house
The tenants of the flat have recently left and the walls of this sqm flat needs to be repainted. The previous paint job wasn't done so well as the painters had painted over things that weren't meant to be painted on. A stain had been left on the ceiling from a burst geyser some time back but in one of the bathrooms in particular, mould had appeared on the ceiling. The walls and ceiling of the bathroom particularly would need to be stripped and repainted.